
Private Tribes

I think it would be a good idea to have private tribes, where content is hidden from the general public unless they are invited in. This could be used for a variety of different features like to coordinate mod decisions (shouldn't really be made public), or having requirements to be in certain tribes.

9 years ago by MrY with 4 comments

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  • Xeno

    I think it would become cluttered with a bunch of /t/____mods tribes. I think being able to private posts within a tribe would be a better solution to this.

    • Fuyu

      I disagree. Part of the subreddit/tribes platform means that people are able to make whatever tribe they want. Currently, someone could easily make a "private" tribe and simply remove all comments/posts of unapproved people, and Snapzu I believe currently has a way to disable submissions on a tribe except for approved people, so we're already halfway to the point of private tribes. Though the content is still visible, which is a problem.

      I would support private tribes under one very important condition: Votes on anything in private tribes do not contribute to your reputation. If they were to contribute, it would be shady and most likely used for vote manipulation. Otherwise, it's just a private little space for discussion not unlike group private messages, but much less cluttered.

      • Xeno

        I get where you're coming from, it doesn't really matter that there are X number of tribes, but I still think having a whole other tribe dedicated to moderation for an already existing tribe is excessive. Just from using forums for gaming clans/guilds I found that having private posts is sufficient.

        There's the whole other idea of having "sub-tribes" which could then be made private. But I think we could be damaging some of the simplicity of Snapzu's type of platform.

      • MrY

        Yup I agree. If snapzu takes off and a bunch of mods are needed for a tribe, the best way to organize/discuss mod things within snapzu would be a private tribe where conversations wouldn't be visible to the public