
More fine-tuned Content Type choices when submitting a post.

Currently I find it difficult to categorize a certain subset of posts. This is especially related to articles that don't fall into the Current Event/Analysis/Expression categories. While a lot of them can lodged into 'Current Event', I don't really feel like it does a decent job of categorization, since it seems that should be more news related. For example an 'Announcement' category would be nice for things like press releases. I realize it's hard to have a set of categories that will fit all types of posts, but at the moment it feels like a lot of categories don't really get used, while other categories end up compensating for missing ones.

Edit: Perhaps a better solution is to also have a set of Generic content categories if something more specific doesn't fit in the existing set.

9 years ago by ressmox with 1 comments

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  • FurtWigglepants

    Custom categories would fix this IMO. Have users make some custom ones and then filter out current categories based on user made modifications.