
Buzzfeed-style promoted content as revenue source

Pretty simple - allow advertising, in the form of posts marked as "promoted by: [insert brand]", and maybe for the brand's sake allow it to start out with x amount of points to be more visible. Plus that way it's more transparent towards the users.

I'm new & tried searching for something like that, and couldn't find anything. I'm sorry if I've missed anything.


8 years ago by click with 2 comments

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  • rti9

    If I recall correctly, Reddit also had advertised posts on the top of its front page.

    • click

      That wouldn't be bad at all. I'd just like it if it were clearly labeled, but (as buzzfeed shows) if it looks "natural" and not like an ad people tend to look at it more (which helps the companies advertising more, and would bring in more moneys for snapzu).