+11 +1
The Nunes-Ryan Civil Liberties Sham
Limits to warrant-less surveillance only apply when it's one of their own being targeted. By Marcy Wheeler.
+18 +1
The Same Democrats Who Denounce Donald Trump as a Lawless, Treasonous Authoritarian Just Voted to Give Him Vast Warrantless Spying Powers
How can the rhetoric about Trump from Democratic leaders be reconciled with their actions to protect his unchecked power to spy on Americans? By Glenn Greenwald.
+5 +1
The Biggest Nunes Memo Revelations Have Little To Do With Its Content
I think it’s very fitting that the ever-tightening repetitive loops of America’s increasingly schizophrenic partisan warfare have finally hit peak shrillness and skyrocketed into a white noise singularity on Groundhog Day. By Caitlin Johnstone.
+15 +1
Communist Dissonance
How an ACLU founder became an apologist for Soviet tyranny. By Matthew Harwood.
+19 +1
‘Do we not laugh?’ On the continuing obsession with Merchant of Venice
This brings us back to the question posed whenever a production of The Merchant of Venice is mounted: is this an antisemitic play, or a play about antisemitism? Indeed, if we need Shylock’s ‘Hath not a Jew’ speech to remind us that Jews are, in fact, human too, then we are dealing with a much larger cultural problem that productions of The Merchant of Venice play into. By Gabriella Edelstein.
+11 +1
They Helped Our Troops, Sold Their Homes, Uprooted Their Families. ‘Enhanced Vetting’ Has Left Them in Limbo
‘I cannot return to Afghanistan because certain death is waiting for me and I want to live. For myself and my beautiful family.’ By Lachlan Markay.
+11 +1
How the Left Lost Its Mind
Polemicists, conspiracists, and outright fabulists are feeding an alternative media landscape—where the implausibility of a claim is no bar to its acceptance. By McKay Coppins.
+11 +1
The Politics of Terror Mirrors the Politics of Heroin
The West’s policies in the Middle East are coming home. Remember the “Vietnamese” heroin that showed up in the body bags at home? Well there’s a lot of body bags at home right now… By Aidan O’Brien.
+15 +1
Make No Mistake, We Are Already at War in Syria
Trump’s anti-war promises were just glib campaign rhetoric. By Philip Giraldi.
+13 +1
Cory Booker Will “Pause” Fundraising from Big Pharma Because It “Arouses So Much Criticism”
Cory Booker was once a drug industry ally. Now he’s refusing money from what he calls “folks who are profiting off the backs of the sick.” By Zaid Jilani.
+17 +1
Five Things That Democrats Do Constantly, Yet Accuse Others Of Doing
If there’s anything more hypocritical than the lying warmongers at the New York Times running a full-page list of the lies Trump has told since taking office, it’s the foam-brained establishment Democrats who still read that awful propaganda rag. By Caitlin Johnstone.
+12 +1
Maryland Island Denies Sea Level Rise, Yet Wants to Stop It
Scientists, skeptics, crabbers and pastors try to find common ground, offering a glimmer of hope for a divided country. By Scott Waldman.
+1 +1
‘Dereliction of Duty’ author urges escalation of unwinnable, never-ending war
The man who once wrote a book highly critical of policymakers who escalated an unwinnable war in Vietnam is urging escalation in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, sources confirmed today. [Self-satire]
+25 +1
This Turtle Tourist Center Also Raises Endangered Turtles for Meat
Advocates accuse the Cayman Turtle Centre of mistreating its sea turtles and stoking demand for the meat of an endangered species, claims it denies. By Rachael Bale.
+8 +1
Notes of a Reformed News Weasel
Understanding the Vacuity. By Fred Reed.
+22 +1
Donald Trump’s speech to the Muslim world was filled with hypocrisy and condescension
So after inventing “fake news”, America’s crazed President on Sunday gave the world’s Muslims a fake speech. By Robert Fisk.
+10 +1
Trump’s extravagant trip to Saudi Arabia is a desperately-needed distraction from his crisis at home
President Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia tomorrow, mere hours after US bombers attacked pro-Assad militiamen whom the US military say were threatening a base in southern Syria where US and British Special Forces are training rebel fighters. By Patrick Cockburn. (May 19, 2017)
+19 +1
New Hampshire Lawmaker Who Founded Misogynistic ‘Red Pill’ Reddit Forum Resigns
Representative Robert Fisher resigned just after a House committee voted not to punish him for his misogynistic online comments. By Claire Landsbaum.
+15 +1
Requiem for a Lightweight
Markos Moulitsas was once the face of American progressivism. That shouldn’t happen again. By Dan O’Sullivan.
+13 +1
Brazil promises backing for beleaguered indigenous people
Brazil’s government brushed off criticism Wednesday that it is failing to protect vulnerable indigenous tribes in the wake of a bloody attack that left 13 people wounded.
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