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Simple Ways to Get Your House Ready for Grad Parties
May is just around the corner, meaning it’s time for graduation and grad parties. It's been an odd year but you still want to celebrate your grad! No doubt your grad has probably kept you busy through the year with many different preparations for getting to the big day. All the things that surround and lead up to the ceremony can quickly become overwhelming or stressful, including throwing a graduation party to celebrate the grad with family and friends. Have no fear we are here to help with some grad party prep tips to get your home ready to receive visitors and congratulate your grad on a job well done.
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University of Missouri grad students threaten walkout if demands are not met
A group of University of Missouri-Columbia graduate students has threatened to walk out of class next week if the university doesn’t meet its demands for improved benefits for student workers. The demands come in response to the university’s announcement that graduate assistants would no longer receive subsidies to pay for health insurance.
How much do you have left till you finish? And what do you want to do after?
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