
What do you do on those days that you just don't want to move?

9 years ago by schrodingersman with 2 comments

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  • Teska

    I am trying to commit myself to going to the gym 6 days a week. Which is ... tough to say the least. Thankfully, MWF I have Zumba and that usually gets me up and going as it's a very fun group to be a part of. (And the instructor will FB message if you don't show up!) But on the off days, like today ... I didn't really want to go. I almost didn't go. But, as it turns out, my kids are some great reminders that I made a promise to myself. My oldest asked me if we were going to the gym today, and I was honest and told her probably not. She, hands on hips, told me "But Mommy, you said we would!"

    I'm finding that my discipline comes from my children, and that's ok!

    • schrodingersman

      It is good to find those things that motivate you when nothing else will. Kids can be a good reminder of the reasons we do the things we do. It helped me when I decided to stop smoking. Every time I had a craving I would run with my son. The act reminded me of why I wanted to stop in the first place no matter how bad the cravings became. Great job getting to the gym keep up the good work.