+17 +1
How Far Should Societies Go to Prevent Terror Attacks?
Almost everyone is unwilling to do certain things to eliminate terrorism. And that is fortunate, for the endurance of a free society depends upon it. By Conor Friedersdorf.
+27 +1
Powerful Letters From Former Slaves To Their Old Masters
Moving messages of both anger and forgiveness.
+3 +1
Here’s What Western Accounts of the Kowloon Walled City Don’t Tell You
“If the energy of young designers in both Hong Kong and abroad were focused less on criticizing places that are actually doing fine, there are real urban and social problems in Hong Kong that are currently, like the Walled City once was, being neglected…” By Rory Stott.
+14 +1
We’re heading into dark times. This is how to be your own light in the Age of Trump
Having studied authoritarian states for over a decade, I would never exaggerate the severity of the threat we now face. But an American kleptocracy is exactly where president-elect Trump and his backers are taking us. That’s why I have a favor to ask you, my fellow Americans. By Sarah Kendzior.
+16 +1
An Artist Is Building a Parthenon of Banned Books
More than 100,000 books will become a monument to intellectual freedom in Germany next year. By Erin Blakemore.
+21 +1
“Good men are God in the flesh”
“[I]n an era marked by the rise of Lynch Law, across the U.S. American South, restrictions on voter rights, and a turn away from African American rights across the nation, Frederick Douglass traveled widely, and used his podium to argue that any person, notwithstanding physical attributes, class, or caste, could attain virtue…” By Daniel Joslyn.
+21 +1
Without tenure, professors become terrified sheep
"But having lived through the decline of tenure, I can see clearly that universities in which the majority of the faculty feel unsafe in terms of job security become places where no one feels safe to do anything that might risk upsetting someone." By Alice Dreger.
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