+16 +1
Corporate Polluters and DeSantis Face Ire as Hundreds of Tons of Sea Life Dead in Florida
"The governor could declare this red tide an environmental emergency and free up funds for people hurt by the event." Experts are linking Florida officials' decision to pump wastewater from the Piney Point fertilizer plant into the Tampa Bay earlier this year to the deaths of hundreds of tons of marine life which have piled up along Florida's coastline—threatening the region's biodiversity as well as its crucial fishing and tourism industries.
+3 +1
90-year-old Florida man arrested for second time in a week after feeding the homeless again
When 90-year-old Florida resident Arnold Abbott said following his arrest on Sunday that police couldn't stop him from feeding the homeless, he apparently meant it. Abbott was charged again on Wednesday night for violating a new city law in Ft. Lauderdale that essentially prevents people from feeding the homeless.
+4 +1
Invasive Reptiles Are Taking Over Florida—and Devouring Its Birds Along the Way
Birds like Roseate Spoonbills and Burrowing Owls are ending up in the stomachs of hungry pythons and Nile monitors. Is it too late to stop them?
+14 +1
Review prompted by building collapse closes Miami courthouse
MIAMI (AP) — The Miami-Dade County Courthouse will begin undergoing repairs immediately after a review, prompted by the deadly collapse of a nearby condominium building, found that safety concerns exist within the courthouse, officials said.
+13 +1
Florida condo building deemed unsafe, evacuation ordered
The city of North Miami Beach has ordered the evacuation of a condominium building after a review found unsafe conditions
+19 +1
Miami building collapse: How are drones, sonar and other technology aiding Florida rescuers' search?
Florida search teams have been using drones, sonar, microphones and a range of other technologies to help with the collapsed Surfside condo building.
+15 +1
Mexican and Israeli task forces join search for survivors in Surfside building collapse
"We have hope because that's what our search and rescue team tells us, that they have hope," the Miami-Dade mayor said at a Friday briefing.
+22 +1
Florida makes it illegal for Facebook and Twitter to ban politicians
Leaders compare Big Tech to “communist rule,” will issue $250,000 per-day fines.
+17 +1
Once Nearly Extinct, The Florida Panther Is Making A Comeback
Brian Kelly, a panther biologist for the state of Florida, opens a creaking gate near Fisheating Creek, a narrow ribbon of preserved land just west of Lake Okeechobee.
+17 +1
Florida man wrestles alligator to save his dog
Jake the dog is always happy to greet visitors, even after an alligator tried to have him for breakfast. “He’s on the mend. He’s full of spit and vinegar today," said Jake's owner Mike McCoy.
+20 +1
Ted Nugent performed inside Florida anti-mask supermarket days before saying he has COVID-19
Ted Nugent said he thought he was dying from COVID-19 just days after he performed inside a Florida supermarket that’s become well-known for its anti-mask stance. Video of his performance can be seen on Nugent’s YouTube page.
+19 +1
Florida Family Indicted for Selling Toxic Bleach as Fake “Miracle” Cure for Covid-19 and Other Serious Diseases, and for Violating Court Orders
The Grenons were manufacturing MMS in a shed. Officers seized dozens of blue chemical drums containing nearly 10,000 pounds of sodium chlorite powder, thousands of bottles of MMS, and other items used in the manufacture and distribution of MMS.
+11 +1
Florida declares state of emergency over toxic wastewater leak
A state of emergency has been declared in Florida after a leak from a large pond of toxic wastewater in Tampa Bay. More than 300 homes in the area have been ordered to be evacuated, and a motorway near the Piney Point reservoir has been closed off. Residents were sent a text alert telling them to leave home immediately.
+6 +1
Peppa Pig is getting her own Orlando-area theme park, complete with muddy puddles
Peppa Pig is looking to hog some of the Florida sunshine enjoyed by Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter. The animated British piglet popular with preschoolers is getting her own tourist attraction -- complete with muddy puddles -- that developers say will be "perfect for a first theme park experience."
+3 +1
We're Killing One Of The Ocean's Most Important Weapons Against Climate Change
It’s winter in Miami. Many New Englanders come here to escape the snow, although none opt for snorkeling on this windy January morning. We pull off the side of the highway with specific instructions about where to find a particular species of seagrass from Laura Eldredge, manager of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves.
+8 +1
Florida women wear 'granny' disguise to try to get Covid vaccine
Two women aged 34 and 44 rumbled while wearing bonnets and gloves to vaccination centre
+15 +1
FBI: 2 agents killed, 3 wounded, suspect dead in Florida
SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Two FBI agents were killed and three wounded Tuesday after a standoff with a suspect in South Florida that forced nearby residents to huddle inside their homes
+18 +1
Rabbi From Florida Arrested for Role in U.S. Capitol Riot
A rabbi from the Tampa Bay area became the latest person with ties to Florida to be arrested for their alleged role in the U.S. Capitol riot earlier in January. NBC affiliate WFLA-TV reports the United States Department of Justice has filed several charges against Michael Stepakoff, who was caught on camera among the group that stormed the building on January 6th following a rally for former President Donald Trump.
+21 +1
A megachurch pastor in Florida told his parishioners not to take a COVID-19 vaccine and instead believe in 'divine immunity'
Guillermo Maldonado, the founding pastor of Miami's King Jesus International Ministry, made false claims about COVID-19 during a sermon on Sunday.
+15 +1
At least 240,000 chickens killed in Florida fire
At least 240,000 chickens were killed when a fire swept through two densely packed barns in Florida owned by one of the nation’s largest distributors of shell eggs, authorities said. The fire was reported around 1am on Tuesday by farmhands at the Cal-Maine Foods facility in Dade City, Florida, Shawn Whited, operations division chief for the Pasco County Fire Rescue, said in an interview.
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