+2 +1
Horror is a dark and piercing reflection of our anxious times
In this febrile cultural moment filled with fear of the Other, horror has achieved the status of true art. By M M Owen.
+12 +1
From "Operation Wetback" To Newtown [....]
Tracing The Hick Fascism Of The NRA. By Mark Ames. (Dec. 17, 2012)
+19 +1
Rhythm of breathing affects memory, fear
Breathing is not just for oxygen; it’s also linked to brain function, behavior.
+32 +1
Brain cell transplant helps fearful mice overcome anxiety
Post-traumatic stress disorder and related disorders are difficult to beat, because our fears can resurface. Could a transplant of young brain cells help? By Alice Klein. [Warning: Animal cruelty]
+22 +1
Why We're Living in the Age of Fear
This is the safest time in human history. So why are we all so afraid? By Neil Strauss. (Oct. 6, 2016) [Autoplay video]
+23 +1
The Psychology of Victim-Blaming
When people want to believe that the world is just, and that bad things won’t happen to them, empathy can suffer. By Kayleigh Roberts.
+12 +1
A Neuroscientist Explains Why Your Brain Is So Anxious All the Time
Our brains evolved to be on alert for threats. It's just that now, with so many things to worry about, we're constantly worried. By Arielle Pardes.
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