+3 +1
Women vs Men: Which genders public bathroom is the dirtiest?
Do women’s bathrooms really smell like roses? Do females poop pixie dust and fart perfume? Like many of the common stereotypes, this is also shown to be untrue. Yes, both sexes can be and are filthy in public receptacles.
+2 +1
The truth about guns! Debunking the myths and scare tactics
Ban guns. All guns. Get rid of guns in homes, and on the streets, and, as much as possible. Every time a tragic event happens, we start to panic. Our first reaction is to call for more laws; then after a few months, you hear; why am I being harassed by police? “Congress continues to criminalize at an average rate of one new crime for every week of every year” (1). How many laws until we have no freedoms whatsoever? Below I am going to show you why guns are not as scary as people think. Once you start to believe, we can brainstorm and find a solution that appeases both sides. Why continue to lobby ourselves into bankruptcy?
+1 +1
Yes, we do have the right to judge!
I see countless memes and comments from people who always says “I don’t judge”, “Don’t be so judgmental”, “you don’t have the right to judge” or “only God can judge me” etc. It is a pet peeve of mine when people create unnecessary semantic disputes and give more power to a word rather than the context.
+10 +1
Pit bull prejudice defies logic! How can you dismiss the facts!
It is time to clear up the irrational fear and discrimination towards the Pit bull. It is scary how a few myths combined with rampant media coverage can fool the masses. Just because you see the same news story recycled 1000 times, does not mean it happened 1000 times. This article will strictly consist of studies, meta-analysis and expert opinions from leading authorities.
+8 +1
Did you know dogs can donate blood, too? Calling all hero’s
In the USA; 46% of US homes have a dog, yet I have never heard any advertisements for it. I had to inquire after I read about it. My dog donated, it was quick, easy and he got so much attention and treats.
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