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Authors Behaving Badly
Lady of the Library
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Fear as a Game
What can the philosophy of games tell us about our odd impulse to scare ourselves? By Elisa Gabbert
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Twelve Biden Administration Resignees Blast 'Intransigent' Gaza Policy
Joe Biden "has prioritized politics over just and fair policymaking" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former government officials argued in their first joint statement since quitting. By Akbar Shahid Ahmed
+27 +1
Should We Kill Some Wild Creatures to Protect Others?
Two new books take up the ethics of killing some animals to protect others. By Elizabeth Kolbert
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Religion, Secularism, and the Jewish Left
Arielle Angel, Nathan Goldman, Judee Rosenbaum, and Mitch Abidor argue about the evolving role of religion at Jewish Currents
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America's Genocidal Trolley Problem
Will liberals support this genocide when Trump is doing it?
+26 +1
Ghostwriters Try Steering Supreme Court Justices Away from Cases
Ghostwriting Supreme Court briefs is a little-known tactic that’s gotten some attention over ethics and whether the justices should do something about it.
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“If there is a God, then anything is permitted”: On Dostoevsky, freedom, and religious violence
Most people today are spontaneously moral, and the idea of torturing or killing another human being is repulsive to them — in order to make them do it, some “sacred” Cause is needed which makes their concerns about violence seem trivial.
+42 +1
The ethics of ghostwriting in fiction
Ghostwriting is not new, and Millie Bobby Brown is not the first celebrity to hire a ghostwriter. But, soon after she published her book, she came under fire for using one.
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Nine months after scandal, publishers are still sorting out a plagiarism mess
Ghostwriter Kristin Loberg and many of her clients have apologized for misusing authors’ words without attribution. But publishing firms have been largely quiet.
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Is Ghostwriting Ruining Literature?
Ghostwriting is a tradition that has been around since the 5th century, and has carried into the present day. But does it delegitimize a work?
+17 +1
Why This Texas Beef Cattle Ranch Transformed Into A Vegan Sanctuary
When Renee King-Sonnen’s husband Tommy asked her to take care of a two-month old baby calf named Rowdy Girl, he’d hoped the process would make her want to be a “good” cattle rancher’s wife. Instead, it led the couple down a path of vegan activism, turning the farm that had been in his family for generations into an animal rescue sanctuary.
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Microsoft lays off entire AI ethics team while going all out on ChatGPT
A new report indicates Microsoft will expand AI products, but axe the people who make them ethical.
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'Horribly Unethical': Startup Experimented on Suicidal Teens on Social Media With Chatbot
Koko, a mental health nonprofit, found at-risk teens on platforms like Facebook and Tumblr, then tested an unproven intervention on them without obtaining informed consent. “It’s nuanced,” said the founder.
+14 +1
Not Just Bliss: the Case for Ignorance
When is ignorance is more liberating than limiting? If you're Donald Rumsfeld, this statement is helpful for sending your country into an unwitting war. If you’re me, it’s useful for much, much more. I believe ignorance isn't only a weapon to be used in political battles, arguments, or to manipulate and control populations. Ignorance is a powerful tool, and it canbe wielded for good.
+3 +1
American politicians are becoming increasingly rude and disrespectful on Twitter
If you’ve been on social media at all in the last decade, you may have noticed it becoming an increasingly toxic environment. Antisocial language is on the rise — but not only among the general public. An analysis of hundreds of thousands of tweets from US Members of Congress has found that the language in their posts has become more and more rude and disrespectful since 2009.
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Why Is Eating Meat So Emotionally and Ethically Challenging?
The food we choose to consume—who and what we choose to eat—is a hot topic given the serious ethical questions that arise and the global environmental damage for which industrial farming is clearly responsible. Discussions about "Should we eat animals?” and the cognitive dissonance associated with the choices we make have moved from the ivory tower into the homes of people worldwide.
+12 +1
UN declares access to a clean environment a human right
The U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday recognised access to a clean and healthy environment as a fundamental right, formally adding its weight to the global fight against climate change and its devastating consequences.
+14 +1
Why Work If You Don’t Have To?
Why work if you don’t have to? The truth is, when someone is rewarded without working for it, they lose something very special.
+16 +1
How to Pass Your Values On to Your Children
If you don’t play an active role in raising your children, you’re leaving it to chance. Here are 15 ways to pass your values on to your kids.
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