What are your thoughts on TES: Legends?
I'm very negative towards it for the fact that it just seems like a mobile cash-in and how it's just another card game. Why they didn't do something different with it like they did with Fallout Shelter is beyond me. I also noticed how the designs looked very generic fantasy-ish, which is very very disappointing to me because I love TES for it's uniqueness against most fantasy RPGs. The though also hits me that this could be a decent game, but considering it will probably be a hearthstone bite-off, I have doubts. I think I'll wait for the next main game.
9 years ago by Nwah
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You described it pretty well. It's a blatant cashgrab and nothing more. Bethesda is clearly trying to milk as much money from the Elder Scrolls series as they can without actually doing any work (as evident by their attempt at paid Skyrim mods and now a Hearthstone bandwagon). This was kind of the final nail in the coffin for me for Bethesda and especially the Elder Scrolls games.