
DAE feel awkward when walking behind a lone woman at night, worried that she's worrying that you might attack her?

9 years ago by MrY with 9 comments

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  • Boudicca

    I am aware that I am more alert when there is a man walking behind me and I am listening for the speed of the footsteps and whether the gap between us is closing. I feel sorry for the 99% of men who would never cause harm, and feel awkward in this situation, because of the 1%.

    • MrY

      that seems to be the trend (1% ruining things for 99%)

  • theoddowl

    As a woman, I do actually get nervous when men walk behind me at night. I tend to smile and say a polite "hello" to make myself feel better. I guess I always kind of figured they'd be less likely to murder me if I was kind. Plus, interaction makes the strangers seem less like boogeymen and more like human beings.

    • MrY

      always good to hear things from a perspective of a different gender!

      Would it be different if the guy was good looking (not that I am)?

      • Boudicca

        Ted Bundy was considered good looking, so no, not really a reassuring factor

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  • ClarkKent

    Just attack her. Than when you are fixing to either stab her or shoot her, say JUST KIDDING. Hahaha, whats your number?

    • MrY

      Best approach ever