+29 +1
What Happens When We Stop Remembering?
Confronted with her parents' dementia and teenagers' climate anxiety, one woman considers how our baselines shift in the face of personal — and global — loss. By Heidi Lasher
+29 +1
Huge Study Confirms Viagra Cuts Alzheimer's Risk by Over 50%
An FDA-approved pharmaceutical used to treat erectile dysfunction could soon be recommended as a therapy for decreasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
+17 +1
Can nicotine patches improve rarly symptoms of cognitive decline?
Scientists are exploring the effects of nicotine patches for treating patients with mild cognitive impairment in an ongoing clinical trial.
+27 +1
Robin Williams's widow: 'There were so many misunderstandings about what had happened to him'
After Robin Williams died in August 2014, aged 63, a lot of people had a lot of things to say about him. There was the predictable speculation about why a hugely beloved and seemingly healthy Hollywood star would end his own life, with some confidently stating that he was depressed or had succumbed to old addictions.
+14 +1
Poor sleep may predict Alzheimer’s onset years before symptoms appear
A robust new study from researchers at UC Berkeley has found a consistent association between poor sleep and greater accumulation of the toxic proteins thought to be the pathological cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers suggest fragmented sleep could be an effective early way to predict…
+19 +1
How an Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’ thwarted progress toward a cure - STAT
This stifling of competing ideas, say a growing number of scholars, is a big reason why there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s.
+2 +1
Being Socially Active Linked to Lower Risk of Dementia
Being more socially active in your 50s and 60s predicts a lower risk of developing dementia later on, according to a new study. “Dementia is a major global health challenge, with 1 million people expected to have dementia in the UK by 2021, but we also know that one in three cases are potentially preventable,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Andrew Sommerlad of University College London.
+18 +1
Super Mario could help prevent dementia, scientists say
Playing video games like Super Mario for two months can improve brain capacity and help forestall dementia, say scientists.
+12 +1
Dementia patients do better without drugs
Meta-analysis finds non-pharmacological interventions are more effective for easing behavioural symptoms.Paul Biegler reports.
+13 +1
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Could Be Illnesses of the Past
When researchers at the University of Kentucky compare brains donated from people who died with dementia, very rarely do they find one that bears only Alzheimer’s trademark plaques and tangles no other damage. If they do, “we call it a unicorn,” said Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s specialist at the university’s aging center.
+19 +1
A vaccine for Alzheimer's is on the verge of becoming a reality
For decades, research into Alzheimer's has made slow progress, but now a mother and daughter team think they have finally found a solution – a vaccine that could inoculate potential sufferers
+15 +1
Dementia rates are falling in Europe and the US and experts think smoking has something to do with it
Dementia affects 850,000 people in the UK
+11 +1
Tim Conway, Star of The Carol Burnett Show, Dies at 85
The beloved actor is best known for characters like the Oldest Man and Mr. Tudball
+11 +1
Falling for phone scams could be an early sign of dementia, study says
The woman lives alone, but she's rarely lonely. Friends stop by most mornings, and a niece looks in weekly. Still, most of her afternoons and evenings are spent sitting in her chair, looking at the clouds and sky through a picture window. The caller sounded nice. "Good afternoon," he said in a cheery voice, asking whether he could use her first name. She couldn't remember entering the sweepstakes, but he assured her that she had and that it didn't matter: What matters, he said, is that she'd won.
+26 +1
Tom Seaver, Star of the Mets’ Championship Team, Has Dementia
Seaver, the most prominent player in Mets history, has chosen to “completely retire from public life,” the family said in a statement on Thursday.
+25 +1
Dementia's hidden darkness: Violence and domestic abuse
From aggressive patients with Alzheimer's to frustrated caregivers, dementia is increasingly entwined with violence in private homes and residential facilities.
+21 +1
Most caregivers of people with dementia are family members, and they need help
November is National Family Caregivers Month; did they get your attention? If not, you are not alone. Family caregivers are overlooked by the health care system, and they are burning out. Here's why.
+21 +1
Katherine Helmond, ‘Soap’ and ‘Who’s the Boss?’ Star, Dies at 89
Before she found fame on two long-running television series, Ms. Helmond was a well-regarded stage actress.
+15 +1
Dolls May Comfort People With Alzheimer’s
Toy dolls can bring children comfort. And they may provide a similar perk later in life for people with dementia.
+24 +1
The Case for Transmissible Alzheimer's Grows
What separates a lethal prion from dementia-inducing amyloid plaque? Maybe not much
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