+22 +1
Understanding Topology-Based Data Architectures
Data architectures can be classified based on operational mode or topology, including data fabric, data hub, and data mesh. Here’s the distinctions.
+4 +1
Optimizing Redis’ Default Compiler Flags
Redis and Intel teamed up to find out whether applying more aggressive optimization options would improve overall Redis baseline performance. Our conclusion: Yes! By changing the compiler behavior, we measured a 5.13% boost overall and more in some cases.
+6 +1
South Africa's Square Kilometre Array and the future of HPC
Sure, scientists are looking forward to the radio telescope to solve some of the biggest questions in the field of astronomy. But computer science experts take note: The worldwide science project is set to push the limits of high-performance computing and management of huge data sets.
+10 +1
A quantum of encryption
With computing power increasing faster than ever before, it's possible to crack previously secure encryption, and with the advent of quantum computing, that possibility gets ever closer. So now you must ask: Is your encryption good enough?
+15 +1
A Tech Bubble Killed Computer Science Once, Can It Do So Again?
The bursting of the dot.com bubble in 2000 prompted students to reject computer science programs. Enrollments plummeted with the crash. But colleges are now scrambling to keep up with the major’s year-after-year enrollment growth.
+18 +1
A Bit of Personal Research on Tay, Bots, and Microsoft
Ever since Tay was introduced to twitter, and how her equivalent Xiaoice did not meet the same type of reaction in China, there has been a lot of hyperbole from "just a simple chatbot" to "martyred for our sins". This is a bit of my own personal digging around in my off time on the matter, a collation of links, papers on just what Microsoft, and Bing by extension, has been working on in the past few years in the realm of deep learning.
+12 +1
On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains (A Position Paper) [PDF] [2016]
Initiative for CryptoCurrencies and Contracts (IC3) The increasing popularity of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies has made scalability a primary and urgent concern. We analyze how fundamental and circumstantial bottlenecks in Bitcoin limit the ability of its current peer-to-peer overlay network to support substantially higher throughputs and lower latencies. ...
+2 +1
OnionDNS: A Seizure-Resistant Top-Level Domain [2015] [PDF]
2015 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) The Domain Name System (DNS) provides the critical service of mapping canonical names to IP addresses. Recognizing this, a number of parties have increasingly attempted to perform “domain seizures” on targets by having them delisted from DNS. Such operations often occur without providing due process to the owners of these domains, a practice made potentially worse by recent legislative proposals. ...
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I2P - The Invisible Internet Project [PDF Paper]
I2P is an open source Internet technology that makes it possible to use and provide Internet services anonymously. It does so by creating a hidden network within the Internet, a Darknet. This report looks into the history and development of the software, the way I2P works and provides a short developers guide for setting up a website within the I2P network. Next to that, some applications of I2P are covered, including anonymous emailing, web hosting and file sharing. ...
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Decentralizing Privacy: Using Blockchain to Protect Personal Data [2015] [PDF]
The recent increase in reported incidents of surveillance and security breaches compromising users’ privacy call into question the current model, in which third-parties collect and control massive amounts of personal data. Bitcoin has demonstrated in the financial space that trusted, auditable computing is possible using a decentralized network of peers accompanied by a public ledger. In this paper, we describe a decentralized personal data management system ...
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Project Maelstrom: Forensic Analysis of the BitTorrent-Powered Browser [PDF] [2015]
In April 2015, BitTorrent Inc. released their distributed peer-to-peer powered browser, Project Maelstrom, into public beta. The browser facilitates a new alternative website distribution paradigm to the traditional HTTP-based, client-server model. This decentralised web is powered by each of the visitors accessing each Maelstrom hosted website. Each user shares their copy of the website;s source code and multimedia content with new visitors...
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Android Root and its Providers: A Double-Edged Sword [2015]
Android root is the voluntary and legitimate process of gaining the highest privilege and full control over a user’s Android device. To facilitate the popular demand, a unique Android root ecosystem has formed where a variety of root providers begin to offer root as a service. Even though legitimate, many convenient one-click root methods operate by exploiting vulnerabilities in the Android system.
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Difficulty Control for Blockchain-Based Consensus Systems
Crypto-currencies like Bitcoin have recently attracted a lot of interest. A crucial ingredient into such systems is the \mining" of a Nakamoto blockchain. We model mining as a Poisson process with time-dependent intensity and use this model to derive predictions about block times for various hash-rate scenarios (exponentially rising hash rate being the most important). We also analyse Bitcoin's method to update the network diffculty" as a mechanism to keep block times stable...
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The History of Mobile Augmented Reality: Developments in Mobile AR over the last almost 50 years [Technical Report] [PDF]
This document summarizes the major milestones in mobile Augmented Reality between 1968 and 2014. Mobile Augmented Reality has largely evolved over the last decade, as well as the interpretation itself of what is Mobile Augmented Reality. The rst instance of Mobile AR can certainly be associated with the development of wearable AR, in a sense of experiencing AR during locomotion (mobile as a motion).
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Cookies Lack Integrity: Real-World Implications [2015] [PDF]
A cookie can contain a “secure” flag, indicating that it should be only sent over an HTTPS connection. Yet there is no corresponding flag to indicate how a cookie was set: attackers who act as a man-in-the-midddle even temporarily on an HTTP session can inject cookies which will be attached to subsequent HTTPS connections. Similar attacks can also be launched by a web attacker from a related domain. Although an acknowledged threat, it has not yet been studied thoroughly. ...
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HORNET: High-speed Onion Routing at the Network Layer [PDF] [2015]
We present HORNET, a system that enables high-speed end-to-end anonymous channels by leveraging next generation network architectures. HORNET is designed as a low-latency onion routing system that operates at the network layer thus enabling a wide range of applications. Our system uses only symmetric cryptography for data forwarding yet requires no per-flow state on intermediate nodes. This design enables HORNET nodes to process anonymous traffic at over 93 Gb/s ...
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Transaction Remote Release (TRR): A New Anonymization Technology for Bitcoin [PDF] [2015]
The anonymity of the Bitcoin system has some shortcomings. Analysis of Transaction Chain (ATC) and Analysis of Bitcoin Protocol and Network (ABPN) are two important methods of deanonymizing bitcoin transactions. Nowadays, there are some anonymization methods to combat ATC but there has been little research into ways to counter ABPN. This paper proposes a new anonymization technology called Transaction Remote Release (TRR). Inspired by The Onion Router (TOR) ...
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De-anonymizing Programmers via Code Stylometry [PDF] [2015]
Source code authorship attribution is a significant privacy threat to anonymous code contributors. However, it may also enable attribution of successful attacks from code left behind on an infected system, or aid in resolving copyright, copyleft, and plagiarism issues in the programming fields. In this work, we investigate machine learning methods to de-anonymize source code authors of C/C++ using coding style.
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Hiding Information in Noise: Fundamental Limits of Covert Wireless Communication
Abstract —Widely-deployed encryption-based security prevents unauthorized decoding, but does not ensure undetectability of communication. However, covert, or low probability of detection/intercept (LPD/LPI) communication is crucial in many scenarios ranging from covert military operations and the organization of social unrest, to privacy protection for users of wireless networks. In addition, encrypted data or even just the transmission of a signal can arouse suspicion ...
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