My history with the Commodore 64
It all started on Christmas day in 1983. I received my beloved Commodore 64 with only a manual and a cartridge (Omega Race). I remember learning how to program in BASIC on Christmas while my uncle was helping to chop up a tree that had fallen in the front yard (I had the living room to myself and my C64 plugged into the large console TV). Those were the days! It wasn't too long after that I got a Datasette machine and could save programs for the very first time and, finally, got a used 1541 drive from my parents with a big box of disks full of games and other goodies. My first C64 eventually died, but I got another one. I eventually moved on to the Commodore 128D, then the Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, and finally to the PC world for the first time in 1997.
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