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How one man repopulated a rare butterfly species in his backyard
The California pipevine swallowtail butterfly is a wonder to behold. It begins its life as a tiny red egg, hatches into an enormous orange-speckled caterpillar, and then — after a gestation period of up to two years — emerges as an iridescent blue beauty. Brimming with oceanic tones, the creature’s wings are considered by collectors to be some of the most magnificent in North America.
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How One Man Singlehandedly Repopulated a Rare Butterfly Species in His Backyard
Long gone from their home in San Francisco, the California pipevine swallowtail is back thanks to one man transforming his yard into a habitat for them. The iridescent blue wings of the California pipevine swallowtail are considered by collectors to be among the most magnificent in North America.
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To save the monarch butterfly, Mexican scientists are moving a forest 1,000 feet up a mountain
In a dramatic last-ditch effort to save the monarch butterfly, scientists in Mexico want to relocate an entire forest 1,000 feet up a mountain.
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Watch Amazonian Butterflies Take Sips of a Turtle's Salty Tears
Entomologist and adventurer Phil Torres hosts a popular YouTube Channel, The Jungle Diaries, where he shares insights and observations from his travels to remote areas around the world. Recently, a trip to the Peruvian Amazon afforded footage of eight different butterfly species alighting on tu
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How one man repopulated a rare butterfly species in his backyard
We can all contribute to conservation efforts — sometimes even from our own backyards.
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