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How To Deal With Boredom, Digested
By Emily Reynolds. How do you deal with boredom? And does being bored even come with some benefits? Here’s the research on boredom, digested.
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Boredom is but a window to a sunny day beyond the gloom
Feeling bored? Instead of fighting it, embrace boredom, make friends with it, learn from it, and see where it takes you
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Why Being Bored Is Good
Technology keeps us constantly stimulated. What do we lose when we no longer have nothing to do?
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Psychological reasons behind the lack of focus in the work
A job is boring or monotonous when it ceases to become interesting to the individual performing. Monotony is not a characteristic of a particular job. It is characteristic of the worker and the job at a particular time. A job that looks boring or monotonous to one individual may arouse the interest of another individual.
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Let Children Get Bored Again
Boredom teaches us that life isn’t a parade of amusements. More important, it spawns creativity and self-sufficiency.
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Generation Z Is Already Bored by the Internet
Today’s teens are still bored, often incredibly so. They’re just more likely to experience a new type of boredom: phone bored.
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Defying boredom
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What Boredom Does to You
Every emotion has a purpose—an evolutionary benefit,” says Sandi Mann, a psychologist and the author of The Upside of Downtime: Why Boredom Is Good. “I wanted to know why we have this emotion of boredom, which seems like such a negative, pointless emotion.” That’s how Mann got started in her specialty: boredom.
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