

I've been thinking of the way to write this, but I honestly don't know how I should, and I'll break the truths open.

I'm not really interested in baseball as much as I used to, and I lack the motivation, as you can see by my constant procrastination. I'll be honest with you guys, I was sick and I came back home Thursday. I knew this page was a thing, and I know that if I cared and was still as passionate as I was before of this project, I would've been active from the get go, but here I am, now Tuesday, and I'm even procrastinating about making my daily game thread, so I feel now is the right time to break it down to you guys.

My life pretty much goes through phases, where my interests move from one place to the other, and I guess this is all part of that. There's no way of justifying it really, but if my motivation isn't there, it shows, and to keep it short, my activity did it this time.

So, I'm going to be packing my bags and devoting myself to my next project, always getting significantly bigger as I get older. I hope that I was part of some of you guys daily routines, that I somehow made an impact, even if it was small, and just know that I will remember this experience.

Another tendency of mine is to somehow and carelessly just remove all the evidence of my past projects, but I promise you guys I will check this page here and there just for my sake, and I won't be removing this page until snapzu dies out somehow. I would love to look back at this as an archive for me, and be something that I was proud of.

This time it isn't temporary, and I feel like the time is right to get out of here, because I'm not doing any good procrastinating and making myself feel bad.

So anyways, thanks everyone, and just know that I love you all :)


  • Noisestrike
8 years ago by Noisestrike

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