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Mum in PJS
Mum in pjs is a mama blog and a journey of an expat SAHM mum with her 3 kids.
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Hackers are exploiting a critical flaw affecting 350,000 WordPress sites
Flaw is in File Manager, a plugin with more than 700,000 users; 52% are affected.
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Complete Blogging for Money Guide in 2020 : Everything You Need to Know
People who want to make money blogging have lots of questions. A complete blogging for money guide tells how to start the blog and become the professional blogger when you know how to do it.
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Blogger given jail over satirical Koran Covid post
Emna Charqui is sentenced to six months in Tunisia for a Facebook post imitating Islam's holy book.
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How to Run a Successful Blog - Steps that Matter
Blogging is no more like maintaining a journal or diary. To run a successful blog, you must follow a strict action plan. You must be passionate enough.
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You Might as Well Be a Great Copy Editor
An early draft of a paper, blog post, grant proposal, or other piece of technical writing typically has many problems. Some of these are high-level issues, such as weak motivation, sections in the wrong order, or a key description that is difficult to understand because it lacks an accompanying figure. These problems need to be identified and fixed, but this is just about impossible as long as the text is crappy and drafty.
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What is Cornerstone Content: What it is and How to Use it
What is cornerstone content? In this article, we'll break down exactly what it is and how you can use it to grow your blog and reach more customers!
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How to Find the Best Blog Topics to Write About in 6 Steps
You can't be successful with blogging without first learning how to find the best blog topics to write about- and we've got a proven checklist for that!
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How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners
See our Free Money page for the best ways to get free money now (sign up bonuses, missing money, and more). Are you new to blogging and wondering how you can actually go about making money from a blog? Are you looking for a way to make money online and considering starting a blog as […]
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If you think you can, You should! - Inspiro Blog
if you think you can, you should for no one is better than you and no one is wittier than you and if you take 1 step towards the opportunity
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How to Write a Blog Post Fast in 4 Simple Steps [2020]
So you made the decision to start blogging, but where do you start? How you do you know what to do? My goal in this blog is to help you understand how to write a blog post fast in just four simple steps. Yes… just 4!
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How to Structure a Blog Post in 8 Easy Steps to Rank in Google
If you want a blog to rank online AND be great for your users, it's important to understand how to structure a blog post in 8 easy steps.
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The Magic Is In The Editing
7 tips to clean up your dirty first draft before you publish
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In what unexpected ways has writing a blog affected your career?
I was curious in what (unexpected) ways writing a blog affected your career, in both positive and/or negative ways.
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SEO Images – Image optimization for SEO
As a blogger, we often forget to optimize images uploaded in a post. We simply upload it without being worried about its size, tags, etc. We try to concentrate on the writings, but eventually forget how important the images are. Images are the face of a blog post. We often have that misconception that only keywords are important within a blog post. But, that’s not true! From a reader’s perspective, an article is only valuable with valuable content. We should first try to write for our loyal readers, then cleverly for search engines.
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Start a Blog from Scratch -Beginners Guide
Are you wondering, how to start a blog? Then you are in the right place. My aim behind this guide is to help those people to build their own blog with a little effort and a low cost.
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6 Ways Content Writers Can Still Make Money During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Working remotely, you’re in the perfect position to succeed
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How to Find Better Featured Images on Unsplash
A guide to interesting keywords, unique search terms, and hidden image search features you should know about
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Author Blogging: 5 Reasons to Start and 3 Ways to Do It Right
Blogging is considered an important component of an author platform. Brandon Cornett gives us some insight about the “whys” and “hows” of author blogging.
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9 Side Hustles You Can Complete Indoors - The Frugal Fellow
Side hustles you can complete indoors are convenient because you can do them from just about anywhere. See this post for more info.
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