Thanks for getting my tribe to 101 members
I love being able to run a tribe. It feels like i'm responsible for something. This website has been so much fun and i'm happy to be a part of it. Thanks again everyone. Hope you're enjoying this tribe as much as I am.
9 years ago by Csellite
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I'm sorry. You're now at 101 because of me. I request that you revise this title.
Just for you! I will do this! Thanks for joining. Hope you enjoy the snaps. Feel free to post some of your own!
I just joined as well, so you you should probably make another update (I just want to see how long you keep this up)
I would but you can't update the title after 15 minutes! But here you are in the comments! 104 thanks to /u/RedditExodus
You rock! I shall share any awesome things I come across!
Thanks so much for the enthusiasm. I love it! I welcome it and I can't wait to see what you share.