
What was your most brutal breakup like and how did you get through it?

9 years ago by Rhumanity with 7 comments

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  • pixelboot

    I was head over heels for this one guy. He seemed so sweet and caring and understanding in every way. I actually thought he was perfect. Then one night, out of what felt like nowhere, we had an argument over the phone (something stupid, i don't even remember what). I took about an hour to cool off then drove to his house to hang out. He lost it on me, and broke up with me right then and there in his living room. It completely blind sided me. He went from being this incredibly caring individual to a complete asshole at the drop of a hat, out of what seemed like nowhere. It was a brutal breakup too - no explanation or I'm sorry. He wasn't even sad. He just angrily paced through the house, chain smoking and glaring at me while I cried my eyes out asking why. I took it incredibly hard. I spent weeks crying in my bedroom alone.

    I found out shortly after that, he must've snapped or something. He completely stopped talking to all his friends, and his mom started some kickstarter for him to move to Japan or something. Last I heard he was couch surfing and busking on the street corner. Now I just feel pity for him, but I really wish I saw it coming, or had any idea at all what even happened there. I still wonder about him sometimes, even though it was years ago.

    • Rhumanity

      I had a similar situation with a guy who ended up busking... the funny thing is that after many years he reached out to me and apologized for the way he acted... maybe someday you will at least get an apology... don't hope for an explanation though because quite often the guy doesn't even know why he acted the way he did. Good luck

  • AinBaya

    I bussed for an hour to go see my girlfriend during her break at a cafe where she worked, she met me at the bus stop, walked around the block using another friends breakup I brought up to tell me she wanted to breakup. She then proceeded to tell me about the thoughts going through her head as she was deciding to breakup with me. I then bussed back and hour, drank and played cards all night with friends and went swimming at the local beach at 5.30am... Fun weekend

    • Rhumanity

      sounds like you made the best of it :)

      • AinBaya

        Yeah, and the beach water was refreshing and almost as cold as her heart at the time