
What's better the "old fashioned" way?

What's better the "old fashioned" way?

9 years ago by kiltman with 9 comments

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  • jerinoos

    Reading a real book. I can't do ebooks.

    • lexi6

      I agree. Flipping pages and just the general feeling of knowing how many pages have been read and how many are left.

      • Project2501

        I disagree. The black screen, neon text, battery life and numerical percentage of what has been read makes reading science fiction on my phone a better experience. (Note: I am actually weird, prefer electronic only for some genres of fiction, and a shortlist of non-fiction topics/formats).

  • weekendhobo

    Playing S/NES games on those old boxy TVs. Good times.

  • kxh


    • jenjen1352

      I was going to say sex, but that isn't so specific. :P

  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    Driving a stick shift.