
If there was an android that looked, spoke, had feeling like a human, how would you treat it and why?

I personally would treat the android like any other person.

The reason being that I wouldn't feel right mistreating it, and it would probably cooperate more if treated right, like a real human.

8 years ago by 1D10T with 4 comments

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  • Boudicca

    I speak to my sat Nav like its a person, my partner thinks I should be more authoritarian and use a less polite tone. I just feel grateful to get where I'm going. So I guess I'd treat an android like I would treat a person.

  • jenjen1352

    Unless you knew that it was an android, it would be another human, possibly named Data.

  • smithcmau

    Human nature is to anthropomorphize things we interact with, including inanimate objects, and form emotion bonds. I truly believe that we would do the same to any robotic organism that we interacted with on a regular basis, whether we knew it was robotic or not. Historically, prized possessions were often given names by the people that used them or relied upon them. If anyone wonders if this is relevant today , think of the number of folks that grow attached to their first car or refer to their car by a name.

  • Project2501

    Think you might be interested in media like Time of Eve. As others have said, if I can't tell it is an an artificial being, there is no way for me to treat it differently.