
What is your lucky number and why?

9 years ago by 8mm with 4 comments

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  • a7h13f

    3 is my lucky number. I don't remember the reason, but I have a funny story to share from over a decade ago:

    Sometime around Junior High is when I first remember realizing that 3 was my lucky number, and everyone who knew me knew it was. (I was probably pretty obnoxious about it). Anyways, sometime around 9th or 10th grade, I was in the school Quiz Bowl. Basically, we were a bunch of "smart kids" who got out of PE to study for the Quiz Bowl competition, where we'd compete against other schools answering questions in a variety of categories from Mathematics, Sports, Pop Culture, History... you get the idea.

    Well, we were lazy, and unsupervised, so we mostly ended up torrenting movies and watching them in class. Our school's big rival was not lazy. They had drills, coursework, and an entire curriculum built for their quiz bowl team. Of course, they were the first school we went up against.

    During the match, the moderator announces that the next question will be a math question. I know that this is my team's absolute worst subject, and as the moderator drones on "... plus the cosine of ... minus the square root of...", I look over and notice all my teammates daydreaming or doodling while the other team furiously scribbles, erases, and notates.

    So, as soon as the question is over, I buzz in, never having touched my pencil:

    "a7h13f, from Redacted Academy?"

    "The answer is 3."

    Silence fills the room. The other team captain puts down his paper, and with awe in his voice whispers "... he's right."

    "That is correct. Point for Redacted Academy."

    Our sponsor falls out of her chair laughing. Of course, my team knows she's laughing because I'm a jackass. But the other team assumes she's laughing because they couldn't do the problem in their heads, like they think I did.

    Good times.

  • pixelboot

    I don't want to share it because I still use it for a lot of things - but it was the code for my first bike lock I got when I was 7!

  • spectregris

    25, 5 , and 4. 25 is my birthday day, I like 5 as it's easy to count by and 4 is just a dandy number.