
What's your favorite manga?

i need something new to read...

9 years ago by Cultfilms with 7 comments

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  • Raycu

    Currently, Gakkou Gurashi. Unless you read it after I suggested it in a different thread. Then I'm sorry, I don't read many manga.

  • bodaciouskeanu

    Sailor Moon, but that's probably childhood nostalgia cause it was my first haha Still recommend it regardless.

  • emmg

    witch hunter, king of hell, Shokugeki no Soma, Attack on Titan, The Breaker / The BREaker new waves, Team Medical Dragon, Kenji, and Id...but Id is permanently on hiatus cause the company publishing it went bankrupt I think. But itès good up until it stops...if you like fighting and swords and dragons and shit!

  • Gelidaer (edited 9 years ago)

    Berserk and Gantz are really good reads (even though Berserk isn't going to finish anytime soon...still worth the read). There's also Vinland Saga which is a pretty cool story about vikings. They're all pretty gory so if you're not into that stay away; you'll be missing out on some great stories, though.

    • Cultfilms

      Read a bit of Gantz and Vineland Saga. Berserk is a series I've been meaning to get into (thankfully, it's out of Hiatus so I'll definitely catch up to it)

      With Gantz, I don't remember where I left off since it's been a while (although I've been reading the mangakas other work, Inuyashiki

      With Vineland Saga, I'm around chapter 4 or 5

      • Gelidaer

        Inuyashiki seems really cool. Is it weekly?

  • Cultfilms

    My favorite manga is Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro (thus my profile picture). An awesome horror/mystery manga with a great story and a colorful cast of characters. My favorite aspect of it is its creepy/abstract art