
Life 2.0! What's added with the new update?

Life is being updated! What are the new bug fixes, and or features.

9 years ago by Polygon with 20 comments

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  • baron778

    New server being added, called Mars. Transfers coming soon.

  • Zorgon

    Phones no longer break right after your warranty

  • carpenoctem (edited 9 years ago)

    I'm most excited that they've reduced the average overnight reboot cycle (known within Life v1 as "sleep") has been reduced to three hours.

    I was always jealous of people who already had this glitch in Life v1. Now we all get to enjoy it!

  • CuppaMatt (edited 9 years ago)

    * Memory leak issue when entering new room fixed

    * Mosquito re-vamped to have an actual purpose

    * Platypus "Joke Mob" removed (we forgot to remove after last April 1st event, sorry)

    • sea

      I would have been much happier if they had removed mosquito's altogether. Come on devs

    • Polygon

      Wonder what the purpose of the Mosquito would be in 2.0 Probably something like the spiders of 1.0

      • CuppaMatt

        I heard they wanted to introduce a new feature with a bio-neural interconnected communication network. I think they may be the data delivery agents!

        • Polygon

          Hmmmm, very useful. But do they come with numbing agents for the transfer of data pain is the question?

  • Yindoom

    Support for older mods, such as the "TailAddon" and "Wings 2.3"

    • sea

      Oh man, talk about old! Tail hasn't been updated for yonks, I wouldn't trust it even if it was implemented again.

      • Polygon

        Yeah, and wings, man they where way back in Pre-Alpha, honestly it's pretty surprising that they are adding legacy support.

  • Dattix

    - No longer fixed to a single avatar! Change your sex, species, class, etc. as often as you like for free forever! - Half Life 3 DLC released! - New playable races! - Fixed a graphical glitch related to heat physics on flat surfaces - Fixed a bug which sometimes caused players to see things drawn elsewhere on the server (hallucinations) - Be the Anime/Comic Book/TV character! Accessories not included. - Have Pokémon battles! Collect all 4325! - Subscriptions are now indefinite until closed. Previously, accounts were automatically closed after 120 years. - New "kill the dictator" campaign now available! - Fixed an exploit related to the colors red, orange and yellow suddenly lowering Belly levels. - Reintroduced support for Dinosaurs - Introducing Kaiju Creatures! Currently only Godzilla and King Ghidorah are available; more will be added soon.

  • sea

    v2.0: Appendix removed. We apologise for the mistake.

  • thelastCastoff

    Bug fixed where Chinese food wasn't registering properly. This was causing people to be hungry again, soon after.

    • sea

      Mexican food patch has been implemented too. Users were reporting digestive irregularities.

  • oystein (edited 9 years ago)

    - Cartilage regeneration

    - Fixed issue with hair growing longer out of your nose and ears over time

  • VoyagerXyX

    Buy the expansion walking-simulator 2016 now for only $9.99 Compatible with Life 1.7 and 2.0!

  • Guilhem

    Memory bug fix, when you enter a room and forget what you wanted to do.

    Starting location rebalance.

    Add the "common sense" skill to all player.

    Could go on and on...

    • sea

      Common sense has always been a buggy skill, doubt it will be completely fixed in this update.