
What do you think of the questions?

Recently, I feel like all the questions are simple one and done things, and reading responses for a thread where everything has no room for discussion, is kind of like looking at a long list, and gets boring fast. I may be in a small minority, but I left /r/askreddit because the questions were repeated weekly, and I could look at a thread title, and know the contents. So I was wondering what people here thought about trying to come up with titles/questions that had more interesting topics, that look for discussion more.

Similar to the difference between.

"What's your favorite book?"


"What do you think makes your favorite book good?"

I think one brings about more discussion, and you can really see why people would want to talk, instead of just listing a title and saying it's their favorite.

So, what do you guys think about this? Should threads be simple? Or should they be trying harder to promote a discussion within the comments?

9 years ago by Raycu with 6 comments

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  • rosellem

    I definitely agree that if the question of the nature "what is your favorite book" there should always be a "and tell us why" attached to it. Personally, I like questions that encourage people to tell a story.

    • Raycu

      Same here, I'd much rather have someone actually put thought into an interesting response, or story, then simply say. "My favorite book was harry potter". It isn't interesting reading other peoples opinions, unless they explain something that you'd want to read into. Like how as a child it was something that really helped them through school, or something along those lines.

  • Boudicca

    One of the things that attracted me to Snapzu was the more thoughtful way that people would often respond to posts, as opposed to quick one liners- although at times a witty riposte can be very entertaining and humourous, so i wouldnt want to rule that out. I think, as you point out, the quality of the answer is often directed by how the question is asked. A well composed question can often encourage a more rounded answer. I also think there may be other reasons for brief, quick replies:

    Sometimes people are shy and want to participate and they are dipping their toes in the water without putting themselves out there too much.

    People may be trying to get their XP up by making quick comments.

    Some people have been damaged by experiences on other sites and are easing their way in (on a side note, after reading some of the posts about peoples experience on other sites it makes me wonder whether some of the "refugees" may actually have mild PTSD- seriously).

    Sadly, some people don't think their opinion counts for much, so don't express themselves as fully as they could.

    Mental laziness \0/

    • Raycu

      How funny it is, after making this post there have been three others above it, which all of them, if the rules of downvotes were adhered to, shouldn't even exist.

      • Boudicca

        Hi Raycu, I don't quite understand what you meant. Could you explain a bit more?

  • oystein

    Some questions are good, some are not. Some questions are interesting while others are not. The ones I don't like, I just avoid posting in.