
Snapzites, what would you quietly like to confess? Here's your chance to get it off your chest-no judgement.

For some people the great unburden that comes from confession is just what's needed. Share your confessions-no judgement here. What haven't you shared, owned up to or otherwise confessed but need to?

8 years ago by Fooferhill with 12 comments

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  • spoderman

    I was the one who put the empty milk-pack back into the fridge.

    • frohawk



    • Fooferhill

      Well you have a lot to answer for in my house! Seriously I am not into judgement but ....WHHHYYY? Why torture your fellow human kind like this.......

  • Skry

    Although I love my job, the fact that we're understaffed without the money to hire new people added to my coworkers not wanting to pick up the slack, making me work all the time is slowing draining me. It doesn't help that everybody else keeps taking time off when they know we can't really handle that. But they don't care and I don't like leaving my boss out in the cold trying to scramble to replace somebody so I'll end up working weeks with 18+ hours of overtime, while they all go out and have fun. It's depressing.

    • Fooferhill

      Sound like every man for himself attitude. My sympathies to you. You sound like a valuable employee and will do well in future.

      • Skry

        Thanks for that. It really is but because of the other three one is retiring, one is looking at a new job, and the other is only here until he graduates college. We have to part timers but with them both having 2 other jobs they're not reliable to come in, and with how strict my boss is on hiring people it's not easy to get replacements. Baaaah rant over

        • Fooferhill

          In time-remember this too will pass.

    • ColonBowel

      Sounds like you're being taken advantage off and need to learn to set some boundaries. It's okay to say no. The problems other people create for themselves are not your problems. You can help them out every once in a while, but not carry their weight.

  • frohawk

    I should have kept my mouth shut about my counselor and just sucked it up knowing my counselor was dead weight and I've have to do extra footwork/get advice from other people.

    I didn't care about them as a person, because we wouldn't interact otherwise unless we had to, but they don't help me for shit. And now that I've had to go the indignity of asking to change counselors, which involves having a impromptu meeting with said counselor and then having to keep them anyway, it's only made relations worse.

    They have repeatedly thrown me under the bus in front of their supervisors (withholding information about meetings and then saying I knew what the meeting was about in said meeting), reprimanded me for not seeking them for help on things I didn't need help in, and have belittled my choices, efforts, and feelings in various slight ways that I cannot outright point out as valid reason for change in counselors (again).

    It's bad enough having to deal with this person on a monthly basis for bare minimum requirements, but to have to go to them for every single thing involving my trade and any changes I need to make to it? It's horrible, and I leave feeling like a subpar student every time.

    • Fooferhill

      You are surrounded by a toxic environment. Take your skills and strengths where you can when you can. Hat off to you for what you have to tolerate. Hope that by sharing some of the angst a little bit in a small way gives you some small measure of relief.