
What movie/book/TV show would you like to change the ending and what would you like the ending to be instead?

8 years ago by Rhumanity with 8 comments

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  • Fuyu

    A lot of movies I'd make it so the hero and possibly his love interest dies. It gets so tiresome to watch a movie and say "well, I know for certain THAT PERSON is going to live" because they're obviously an important character. If we threw more deaths into the movie pot, suspense would actually be suspenseful.

    • Rhumanity

      Yeah and with our culture if the hero or heroine die in the movie they usually have a twist within the movie that makes you root for them dying... and quite often if there is a hero and a heroine and one of them dies, the other always lives, someone HAS to live on! Here is a list of 30 films where everyone dies in the end: http://www.gamesradar.com/30-films-where-everyone-dies-at-the-end/

      • Fuyu

        The ironic thing is, if you have to search out movies where everyone dies, there's no suspense in that either. I'm hoping one day I just stumble upon one of those movies.

        • snakepaws

          Exactly. I don't want to know which movies everyone (or main characters) die in. It's just as bad as knowing (assuming) everyone important lives. I won't be clicking the link, but I appreciate that there's at least 30 out there to look forward to catching one day.

          • Rhumanity

            lmao I didn't look at the link either for the same reason but hey, maybe someone just really wants to watch the world burn some evening and has a marathon of death and carnage... I'm glad I could be a little piece of that heaven for them ;)

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