
What development coming in the next decade do you most look forward to?

The world is changing rapidly. By 2026 we're going to have consumer-grade home 3D printing, driver-less cars, fleets of police surveillance drones over the skies of our cities, and hundreds of thousands of climate refugees. What technological, social, or natural innovations are you most looking forward to over the next decade?

Cite sources if you're of a mind to. Tell us what to anticipate (or dread)!

9 years ago by mcoorlim with 6 comments

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  • baron778

    True VR baby. But it will take a few years to iron out the kinks.

  • Qukatt

    Male contraception (vaselgel) and also Stemcell treatment of MS (in particular)

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  • dynamite

    When I can chill and have a beer in my car while it drives me around

  • Grassgrows

    I hope to see the light of day where we will not all have to work a 9 to 5 job and instead have a larger portion of our life orbit around what we want to do, as opposed to spending a third asleep, at work and at home. Of course that raises a whole lot of problems. First one that pops into my mind is: If people suddenly work less, it's going to become more difficult to sustain the level of maintenance, work etc (less people working, less people to offer services!)