
Which country has the best scenery / landmarks?

9 years ago by Quietrabbit with 3 comments

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  • MyAnacondaDoes

    I've been studying France and french culture, so I'm a bit biased, but I would say Croatia.

    Seriously though, upon looking it up, the cities are actually some of the most beautiful I've seen in a while, but nothing to beat out my interest in the good old city of Paris.

    • Bastou

      I've heard good things about Croatia as well. But some people told me Prague was one of Europe's most beautiful city (I haven't been, so I can't tell). I've been to Paris though, and it is awesome.

  • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

    I haven't been to either, but from what I've heard and/or seen, Iceland and New Zealand for the landscapes.

    For landmarks, I tend to associate them more with cities than countries, I'd say Barcelona, Dubai, Berlin, Quebec City...