
Android app for Snapzu

I just noticed today that there is app called "Zusnap for Snapzu." It does not require access to any special permissions but was wondering if it is safe to use. Can the owner of the app get my login info and password? Is Snapzu looking into making an official app for this site? Any insight is greatly appreciated.

9 years ago by Lavaflow with 2 comments

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  • Schwut

    I read in another thread that it's basically just a web browser that has Snapzu as the homepage. It's exactly the same as using your favorite mobile browser. The devs say that they are writing a UI but they really can't do anything until the API is released. It's not worth using at this point, but could become a viable option in the future.

  • Lawdog

    I hope it's the real deal. I do 90% of my surfing on mobile.