
What's a particularly common thing that has never happened to you?

8 years ago by funhonestdude with 10 comments

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  • exikon

    Nosebleeds. Never had one before.

  • Fuyu (edited 8 years ago)

    Snorting a drink out of your nose.

    I'm convinced people just cannot control their bodies properly.

    Edit: I now have to revoke this. Damn my D&D group.

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  • Fooferhill

    Having wisdom teeth- I never grew any.

    • Boudicca

      Same here, lucky wisdom teeth are at the back not the front :)

      • Fooferhill

        From all accounts we have been done a big favour!

        • Boudicca

          I remember my mum trying to put a positive spin on it by telling me"in the future more evolved humans will have less teeth, you are just a couple of thousand years ahead of everyone else" I then felt like an alien.

          Who needs a positive spin on notgetting teeth you don't need, are really painful when they come through , then cost a fortune to take out because of overcrowding?

  • macavoy

    Never broken a bone. I don't know how common that is though.