
How did you stop smoking?

I've been smoke free for two whole weeks now. I did it cold turkey and have been using an app to track how much money I've saved, how many cigarettes I haven't smoked, how much of my life I've saved. Did you have a method or motivation that worked for you?

8 years ago by schrodingersman with 6 comments

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  • kittymonst3r

    My SO bought a vape and weaned slowly off of nicotine. Took a few months, but its down to 0 nicotine for going on a month now. Previously, we tried the patch but it sweat off every night, so that didn't work!

    Biggest part I think is wanting to quit.

    • schrodingersman

      So do you still vape? I thought about going that route, but I felt I would be trading one habit for another, but hey if it works all the power to ya. Great job on quitting!

  • BucksinSixxx

    Cold turkey. I wanted to start getting healthier, eating better, working out more, and that was a lifestyle choice on the chopping block.

  • stitches

    cold turkey and the advice of "if you want to smoke that's exactly the reason you shouldn't do it". It might not make sense to many people but it did to me. I find it harder these days now I don't drink though, as soon as I stopped the booze I felt the overwhelming urge to start smoking again and did on a few nights out. I've got six months under my belt again now.

    • schrodingersman

      I'm the exact opposite. As soon as I start drinking I crave a smoke.

  • nestamon

    Cold turkey here. After several years of trying to quit, it somehow helped me to imagine smoking was like a hot girl who had STDs. I knew my brain was wired to love the feeling of smoking, so imagining it seducing me to quietly slip me its poisonous toxins was enough to get me to stop completely.