
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

8 years ago by manguy222 with 2 comments

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  • ttubravesrock

    Are you referring to skills/attributes that I already have or skills/attributes I want to have?

    I already naturally emit a LOT of heat for a human. Therefore, it's obvious that my superpower would either be that I'm radioactive (who wants that?), or that I can create fire (I'll take that one).

    Also, I don't experience stress or anxiety. When people I care about are stressed or anxious, I would want my superpower to be able to take their stress/anxiety away from them. Kind of a form of empathy, but I don't think true empathy exists by definition. I think people get empathy confused with sympathy.

    I'm not super ambitious and I don't want to rule the world or anything like that, so the superpower I would want to have is a weak form of mind control. I don't want to be able to make people do my bidding. I want to be able to see my point of view. This is very similar to my stress/anxiety superpower. If I could make people see things my way, maybe that would give them the power to not have stress/anxiety.

    • manguy222

      Skills/attributes that you want to have.