
Dear Snapzu, What things are on your bucket list?

8 years ago by Skye7221 with 5 comments

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  • LazerGator

    I always wanted to go on one of those rafting trips down the Grand Canyon

  • Hibou

    Visiting across Europe, owning my own home... with a fireplace, visiting Disney World at least once...

    Honestly I feel I still have time to do most of the things that come to mind, such as having children or visiting Niagara Falls again. We'll see! Life's funny, can't predict what'll transpire.

  • annexi (edited 8 years ago)

    - Travel to Japan

    - Travel to Pripyat

    - bunch of more stuff

  • Guilhem

    - Move, my current apartment is really small

    - Finish assembling and painting my Warhammer 40k army

    - Travel to Japan (not stay there, just for a holiday)