
What do you regret not starting to do earlier in life?

What do you regret not starting to do earlier in life?

8 years ago by kiltman with 4 comments

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  • OL44893

    Learning more languages. I can read and smatter my way through some Spanish but I do wish I'd started multiple languages much earlier.

  • RoamingGnome

    Advanced education. I still never got an advanced degree because I started my education in my 30's and had a family, blah, blah, blah, excuse, excuse, excuse.... My son is taking over for me. He is doing everything with his life that I dreamed of doing with mine. And that will allow me to die a happy man. My daughter is pretty awesome too. She feels left out sometimes because her big brother is such a high achiever and people talk about his accomplishments.

  • Direyth

    Flossing. I used to do it a few days before the dentist and one day I decided to try flossing everyday to see how much less I bleed the next time I went.

    It was a world of difference

  • marenmor

    I know I sound like a broken record, but YOGA.