
Snapzu, which movies, books, songs, media in general, etc... influenced your life the most?

Off the top of my head, Jurassic Park (the 1993 movie, best movie eva'!) and the Star Wars IV, V and VI influenced me the most as I watched them very early in my childhood.

More recently the "The Black Company" books by Glen Cook and "Fallout: Equestria" by Kkat kinda formatted what books I have mostly read over the past 6 years.

If we get rather philosophical, The Myth of Sisyphus had a big imprint in me after I read it.

8 years ago by RoMS with 9 comments

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  • Rhumanity

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind had a huge impact on me. I think I just love the idea of "is it better to have loved and lost or never loved at all" being played out so beautiful in the mind of someone who is losing the memories of someone they once loved. Watching their relationship change from how it ended to how it began and knowing that we have all been there at one time or another, everyone can relate to this feeling.

  • NipplePuree

    Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I must have read it twenty times by now, it has been a been a profound and positive influence on my life.

    As for movies, I guess Enter the Dragon. It got me interested in martial arts as a kid, and thats something I have kept up my whole life as a way to keep fit and relieve stress.

  • massani (edited 8 years ago)

    Six Feet Under

    It was an HBO show from 2000-2005. The series followed a Los Angeles family who owned a funeral home. In the beginning of each episode, someone would die and be brought to their funeral home. That person's death would help carry each episode's theme essentially both directly and indirectly. Mostly, the show dealt with death and grief as its main themes. It will always be my favorite show of all time, because it helped me understand human mortality better. It also had a main character who dealt with coming out to his family and accepting himself as being gay, which in high school, was what I was dealing with. It helped me connect to something and to not feel so afraid.

    EDIT: It also has probably one of the greatest finales too. Even thinking about it is making me tear up.

  • Rhumanity

    The Timer was another good romance movie that impacted me because we may not be with "the one" but that is no reason not to enjoy the moments you have with the person you are with. The memories you make with them are irreplaceable and help to shape you into the person you will be when you finally do meet your "one."

  • Rhumanity

    The book: The Art of Happiness an interview with the Dali Lama, really influenced the way I view happiness and how I live my life and is one that I like to reread from time to time when I lose focus.

  • BucksinSixxx

    Music: Weezer's Pinkerton is pretty much all I listened to in high school

    Game: I have ~4000 hours of GTA SAMP and Halo CE combined. My friends and I would play every day after school.

    Book: Old Man and the Sea/A Farewell to Arms (Big Hemingway fan)

    Movie: Space Jam because it started my love of basketball.

  • snakepaws

    As an aside, how is The Black Company? I recently had that and the The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson, recommended to me.

  • Wolfyz

    I didn't read when I was growing up, that is, until one year my family rented a beach house, and took a seven hour trip to the ocean. There were bad storms all week, I grew bored of my Gamboy (dating myself there) and when we went out shopping, I picked up a paperback book. It was Watchers, by Dean Koontz. I sat on the couch in the den of our beach house, and read it cover to cover, only stopping to eat and use the bathroom. That was the first time, I read a book cover to cover, and in just a day and a half.

    I was hooked, and now, I always have something to read within reach, rather that be on my phone, kindle or PC. I can't imagine not getting lost in a book when I need an escape. I still love gaming, especially games with great story telling, but books took the number one spot for me now, all because of one paper back, no a rainy trip to the ocean.

  • Nerdbiscuit

    The video game Grandia for the original PlayStation (avatar related) influenced me a lot as a kid. It kinda got me into music; the game's soundtrack was the first one I really paid attention to and subsequently the first one I bought.