
What do you always make sure to double check?

9 years ago by aj0690 with 19 comments

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  • oystein

    That I have keys before I go out.

  • MePLUR

    All the car's doors are locked.

  • Boop

    Before I leave a building, I do the three pocket pat: front left pocket for keys, back left pocket for wallet, back right pocket for phone.

    • mathematical

      Being the lazy person that I am, I condensed this down to two taps using a wallet case for my phone. If I ever upgrade to a car with a dongle and a bluetooth door lock, I'm gonna go one-tap.

      • Rhumanity

        I have a clip for my change purse (which fits all necessary credit cards etc) that attaches to my keys

  • mcski

    Wallet, keys and phone. I work in a residential setting as well so these are all hugely important both at home and while working.

  • schrodingersman

    That I have taken my allergy pill for the day. I have a horrible habit of forgetting the damned thing which wouldn't be a problem except I have allergy induced asthma. If I don't take my pill a couple of hours later I'll start getting choked up. If I keep forgetting it I start to become miserable and my ability to breath becomes difficult. Barring a severe attack which hasn't happened in many many years it won't kill me. It's just a giant pain in the ass that makes it difficult to do just about anything because I can't breath worth shit. Doesn't help that the air quality where I live is complete shit.

  • InfernoFire

    That everything that can burn down the house is turned off.

  • Nateilus

    Garage door when leaving the house and wallet, phone, keys.

  • snapchopsuey

    That my phone, keys, handkerchief and wallet are in my pockets. (It's a clockwise four pocket check, starting with my left front pocket).

  • cathline

    Since we have bears actively roaming in our neighborhood - that we have brought in the hummingbird feeders and closed/locked all the doors, including the garage doors.

  • azzblaster666 (edited 9 years ago)

    That I put my emergency brake on.

  • Qukatt

    Kids are still breathing when i go to bed.

    That and doors being locked.

  • tehdiplomat

    That the code compiles. It's easy to just have a "quick fix" for what appears to be a small change or typo fix. But for the times when there aren't safeguards around checking in code, it's fairly easy screw everything up without paying attention.

  • canuck

    That I turned off the BBQ or the oven etc. Any cooking device.

    • Gozzin

      Same here..Cooking devices off.

  • Laura (edited 9 years ago)

    My email before signing up with services, and the usal keys, wallet, and phone check. Lately I've been reminding myself to bring a water bottle every where, too.