
Artists, what are your thoughts on the articles currently on /t/artists?

When I created this tribe, I wanted this to be a place for artists to showcase, communicate, and share with each other.

At the moment, I see the front page coated with various articles, with their relation to art ranging randomly. These are summaries of those articles:

  • An article of an artist that has been arrested in Paris after she stripped down to her shoes and invited people to take selfies with her.
  • A review of the book 'Ever Yours' by Vincent Van Gogh.
  • A CNN article about "aboriginal art" thriving on Facebook.
  • An article about artist Nicky Barkla.
  • An article about artist Kit King.
  • An Oddity Central link that links to all articles categorized under "art."

Personally, I feel that I'd rather this place consist of artwork from artists of Snapzu and discussions from artists here too. I'd rather be our creations be up top than some articles about various subjects.
Some of these articles however, I think are alright - such as articles about artists that showcase their works. It doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" deal.

I'd like to know what the artists of /t/artists think about these articles being posted here, because it's simple to hide them from being shown in the tribe or leave them up if you all see fit.

9 years ago by eggpl4nt with 6 comments

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  • westieslant

    I like that idea as well, and the really general art articles don't seem to be bringing a lot of new discussion here either.

    • eggpl4nt

      In that case, I've removed four of the more vague articles, and left the articles about artists Barkla and King.
      I've also tried to rephrase Rule 3, not sure how I could make it more clear.

      • westieslant (edited 9 years ago)

        Where are the rules posted?

        • eggpl4nt

          Just in the sidebar. Under Tribe etiquette/rules.

          • westieslant

            So apparently the sidebar is only visible at a certain resolution. This entire time I didn't realize snapzu had a sidebar.

  • Urbanknight4

    You should make that clear in a sticky. One reason my tribe, /t/artrequest, is so empty is because I don't want anything other than requests, offers, and discussion about making art. It's tough to see your tribe get by slowly, but it's a lot better than surrendering to chaos.