
Do you have a playlist you listen to when you draw?

I usually just open up my YouTube "Music" playlist and let it run through. Or I play a whole movie's soundtrack depending on the mood of the piece.
What do you guys do?

Do you listen to music when you illustrate? Or do you prefer to keep things silent?
Do different songs elicit different emotions from your pieces?

8 years ago by eggpl4nt with 7 comments

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  • verdacomb

    Two different extremes of the spectrum. Some days I like to have Jazz radio here in Portland playing, but from far away in the kitchen. Like I'm in a cafe or something. Other days I have Porter Robinson and deadmau5 with my noise canceling headphones on. Just depends on the mood!

  • 66bnats

    Some Enigma or Enya helps me relax.

  • westieslant

    A lot of times the TV is on in the background, but if I had my choice I like to work in silence. Otherwise I get distracted.

  • MagicSexBomb

    I'll just stream something so there's background noise. Songza is great for streaming - I don't have to make up my mind as to what exactly I want to hear, and I can change the stream based on my mood, or by genre, decade, etc.

  • imokruok

    I usually listen to a few songs on repeat for a couple hours then switch to a few other songs, and repeat. Really into m3ll155x ep by FKA twigs atm, just listened to it over and over all last night like a million times while scanning negatives.