8 years ago
Iran's blogfather: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are killing the web
Late in 2014, I was abruptly pardoned and freed from Evin prison in northern Tehran. In November 2008, I had been sentenced to nearly 20 years in jail, mostly over my web activities, and thought I would end up spending most of my life in those cells. So the moment, when it came, was unexpected. I was sharing a cup of tea when the voice of the floor announcer – another prisoner – filled all the rooms and corridors: “Dear fellow inmates, the bird of luck has once again sat...
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In the past week there have been a couple of snaps regarding Facebook's version of the Internet, Mark Zuckerberg can’t believe India isn’t grateful for Facebook’s free internet and Mark Zuckerberg On Free Basics: "Who Could Possibly Be Against This?" that seem to tie into this idea of what the web has become vs. what it used to be.