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Published 9 years ago by socialiguana with 3 Comments

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  • b1ackbird

    Today it's easy to cut and paste images from the internet, but it used to be a lot harder. There were few ways to get images, files were way too large for puny hard drives, and they were of poor quality. Even worse, it was tough to get pictures to play nicely with text. Fonts like Wingdings provided a workaround by giving people high-quality, scalable images that didn't clog up their hard drives.

    Great article! I really enjoyed reading this, thank you.

  • CausticSauces

    What a great read! Thanks for sharing. I remember my friends and I using zaph dingbats to pass coded messages back and forth to each other in class a long time ago.

  • blakerboy777

    I actually had no idea what Wingdings was used for, very informative piece.

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