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Published 10 years ago by socialiguana with 6 Comments

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  • Lanix

    I want this to be cool, but we all know this will probably be shitty.

    • ckshenn

      Yes most likely. Nintendo's characters don't really go well outside of games. Remember the mario movie? Oh god.

  • geoleo

    Isn't zelda a silent protagonist? I realllly hope they don't mess this one up.

    • btcprox

      Almost silent. He does make vocal noises in combat. But yeah, I'd imagine it's hard to finally flesh out a character that was made to be a blank hero slate for the player to fill in him/herself.

      • geoleo

        Ah yes the almost famous zelda sword swing noise. But he's never had any actual dialogue.

    • Ewok007

      If you have ever played the Zelda CDI games Link speaks in those. He also speaks in the animated series which, though not a good series, is really funny to watch as a Legend of Zelda fan.


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