9 years ago
Preview of the First Official D&D 5e Psionics Class, the Mystic, Released
Wizards of the Coast just released a first look at the official rules for psionics in 5e with the first five levels of the planned "mystic" class.
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Psionics are neat. They've always seemed a little "scifi" for D&D, which is cool. I never minded when D&D strayed from the fantasy norm, especially with stuff like Spelljammer.
And I love Psionic Weapons: "You channel psionic energy into a weapon you wield (including your unarmed strike), lending devastating power to your attacks."
Yeah, I generally like when traditional fantasy games break out a bit from tired fantasy tropes. I'm really looking forward to playing around with this at my group's next one-shot, seems like it would synthesize well with the mainstream classes.