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Published 1 month ago by sjvn with 5 Comments
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  • Gozzin

    I just do not understand,after all these years of major screw ups,do people still use Microsoft's "productts"...I just don't get it.

    • Maternitus

      That's the power of making people believe they have no choice. And, of course, it takes a large amount of people who are so gullible it borders mental disability. Ah, and laziness.

      • Gozzin

        Yeah,that does make sense,hard to say which is the most common though,gullable or lazy...Oh yeah,don't forget the fear of trying anything new or different.

        • kxh

          Except Microsoft products change all the time. There was that time Office got a ribbon, there was the change to Office365. Even then people didn't want to change when there were good alternatives.

        • Maternitus

          Hahaha, yes! The fear of change! All day and every day everybody shouts that "things should change" and as soon as a proposal for change appears, people tend to back off. Hahaha

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