Post Overview
Current Event
7 years agoCurrent Event+1 1 0Attempt to Close Al-Jazeera Is an Attack on Freedom of Expression, U.N. Says
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is reportedly “extremely concerned” by four neighboring countries’ demand that Qatar shut down the television news network. - 2017/07/01
Current Event
7 years ago+9 9 0Talent Market: The Libertarian Headhunting Firm Serving the Koch Network and the Bradley Foundation
Looking for a job with the billionaire Koch Brothers? Want to help the Bradley Foundation build right-wing "infrastructure" nationwide to turn red states blue? Look no further than "Talent Market" the nonprofit head hunting firm t ...
Current Event
7 years ago+26 26 0 x 1''Welfare Reform'' Is Pushing Women Into Unwaged Work -- It's Time to Change That
Welfare reform briefly became a hot topic on the campaign trail last year when Hillary Clinton was criticized for supporting the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, signed into law with great fanfare by President Bil ...
Current Event
7 years ago+18 18 0The NRA finds new ways to stoke the fires of the culture war
As Mother Jones’ Kevin Drum noted, the NRA has clearly evolved from being an organization interested in the rights of gun owners, and become “a purveyor of wholesale culture war zealotry.” This video is powerful evidence of this: NRA members aren’t t ...
Current Event
7 years ago+12 12 0Democrats Don't Think Trumpcare Is Dead
There could still be a vote soon on Senate GOP legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, Democrats warned on Tuesday.
Current Event
7 years ago+13 13 0More than 40 ISPs Across the Country Tell Chairman Pai to Not Repeal Network Neutrality and Maintain Title II Enforcement
One excuse FCC Chairman Ajit Pai regularly offers to explain his effort to gut net neutrality protections is the claim that open Internet rules have harmed ISPs, especially small ones. During a speech earlier this year, he stressed that 22 small ISPs ...
Current Event
7 years ago+39 39 0 x 1Senate Health Bill Would Leave 22 Million More Uninsured, C.B.O. Says
The figure released by the Congressional Budget Office is only slightly lower than the 23 million more uninsured under the House version of the legislation.
Current Event
7 years ago+41 41 0 x 1John Oliver’s Message to Anti-Vaxxers, Slow-Vaxxers: “Memes Are Not Science”
By now, you’ve probably heard the hoopla about a supposed link between vaccines and autism, which comes from a thoroughly debunked study by Andrew Wakefield, the discredited researcher Oliver calls “the Lance Armstrong of doctors.” Misinformation fro ...
Current Event
7 years agoCurrent Event+1 1 0Supreme Court allows limited version of Trump’s travel ban to take effect and will consider case in fall
The action means that the administration may impose temporary bans on travelers from six majority-Muslim countries and on all refugees, with exceptions noted by the court.
Current Event
7 years ago+16 16 0Why Dems can’t break through on Obamacare repeal
A Trump-obsessed media and the GOP’s secrecy and speed have stymied the left and put a sweeping conservative bill on the verge of Senate passage.
Current Event
7 years ago+8 8 0Contending With the Trump Regime's New Immigration Practices: A Dispatch From the Trenches
In his first 100 days in office, Donald Trump has coordinated an unprecedented crackdown on immigration, poured hundreds of millions of dollars into state attacks on undocumented immigrants and funded a brutal expansion of the US deportation infrastr ...
Current Event
7 years ago+1 1 0Why the Right Wing's War on Facts Is Driving the Divide in America
Forget red state vs. blue state. Now the line of separation runs between those who prefer facts to fantasy. In Stephen Colbert’s epic performance at the 2006 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner he ironically stated that “Reality has a well ...
Current Event
7 years ago+15 15 0These Are the Best and Worst Countries to Be a Kid, and the U.S. Isn’t Even In the Top 20
You may think the U.S. ranks in the top five on the list; but think again. We’re not even in the top 20. The United States come in at 36, right below Bosnia and Herzegovina, and just barely squeezing into second-to-last place in the category for coun ...
Current Event
7 years ago+1 1 0Trump Is Likely To Get Rid Of The Special Counsel, One Way Or Another
Trump is already well down the road toward executing a plan to get rid of the Special Counsel with deniability. He is setting the stage, and checking off the items on the to-do list. Claim that the investigation is a witch hunt. Check. Trash Rosenste ...
Current Event
7 years ago+43 43 0 x 1London vehicle hits pedestrians, police say 'number of casualties'
A vehicle hit pedestrians in London's Finsbury Park neighborhood, and there are "a number of casualties being worked on at the scene," according to authorities.
Current Event
7 years ago+14 14 0Rick Perry’s plan to kill funding for wind and solar power
Energy Secretary Rick Perry is cooking up a case to stifle further federal support of renewable wind and solar energy. He’s ordered a dubiously sourced staff study that is aimed to paint renewables as an unreliable source for the nation’s electric gr ...
Current Event
7 years ago+16 16 0Republicans Keep Missing the Point About Gun Violence—Even When They’re the Targets: Sonali Kolhatkar
Wednesday’s attack on a GOP sports team in Alexandria, Va., offers yet another lesson about gun control, but party politics have gotten in the way. - 2017/06/16
Current Event
7 years ago+12 12 0Man Goes on Shooting Spree, Kills Five
One man is in custody after he allegedly, fatally shot five people in a three-hour period Thursday (6/15) evening.
Current Event
7 years ago+1 1 0The worst thing about shootings in the US is how normal they feel | Jessica Valenti
In a time when shootings are commonplace, this week didn’t necessarily feel remarkable. It felt normal and that makes me fear for my daughter
Current Event
7 years ago0 1 17 U.S. sailors unaccounted for after destroyer, ship collide off Japan
A U.S. Navy destroyer collided with a merchant ship southwest of Yokosuka, Japan, on Friday. A U.S. official said 7 U.S. sailors are unaccounted for.