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Published 9 years ago by scrappy1820 with 3 Comments

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  • NinjaKlaus

    The only reason I can come up with for the availability of .porn and .xxx domains is so that in the future laws like the one in England will be easier to enforce. Require the porn groups to use them and then ban anyone without a credit card from seeing them. I don't agree with this idea but that's the only reason I think they are doing this, for future censorship reasons... of course all in the name of "the children."

    • Tawsix

      I think you're right in that this would certainly make it easier for them to ban porn, but the poll was asking about "allowing", not forcing. I don't see any reason to not allow people to use it. At least you won't ever accidentally end up at a .porn website not expecting a porn website.

  • Kysol

    It will allow for easier filtering from a company level. A site by the name www.2ga1gg2tb.com (doesn't exist, to my knowledge) could be anything and would need to be added on a case to case basis to the filtering software. By applying a wildcard to all domains with the .porn TLD is a nice and easy ban. If some up and coming it company wants to register their domain with .porn then that's their own fault. Also think about search engines and safe search options. They could easily just blanket ignore that TLD.

    People should be allowed to do what ever they want, just don't expect any form of help when they realise that having mikesfruitstand.porn is detrimental to their Fruit business.

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