9 years ago
Vladimir Putin's party just created a 'straight' flag to rival the rainbow one
Upset, dismayed and evidently feeling a little left out by the global embrace of the gay pride flag following the US Supreme Court ruling legalising same-sex marriage, Vladimir Putin's United Russia Party has hit back against with their own "straight" flag.
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Can I get one of these?
Why would you want one? Its one thing to have pride about your straightness, but this particular flag is pretty obviously also about opposition to anyone LGBT. This kind of condemnation doesn't really sit right with me, unless its being used against groups that directly oppress (i.e. ISIS). LGBT folk like me are just trying to live our lives as equal members of society, what's wrong with that? :/
What if I just want to collect stupid flags for historical interest? It's one that you'll have to explain at some point, but otoh, so will the Gadsen Flag or the flag of imperial Japan or whatever else.
I mean, that makes perfect sense. I would personally be curious to see how widely adopted it gets in Russia. This is to say, as an actual flag rather than a social media thingy. I'd imagine that would have a big effect on what kind of collectable it turns out to be.
I really am not worried about those sorts of things. I actually am in opposition to the gay agenda and their "community." You have taken ancient traditions that have been stable and secure for millennia and, upon zero authority, you have ripped that standard to shreds, and for no good reason as well. You just jumped on a bandwagon, that had essentially zero support from anyone, even gays, a quarter century ago, and rammed it through an unwilling nation.
You decided, based on zero evidence, that marriage was somehow a civil right, and wholly twisted it into a near-unrecognizable form. By opening the door for redefinition, now all other things will have to be recognized as marriage. You did that, and in a short amount of time, marriage will be an empty meaningless concept, except for those few of us who still define it in its traditional form.
That's ridiculous. We haven't barged in and demanded that all religions recognize our unions. We only want to be equal to straight couples under the eyes of the law, which was not the case before the supreme court's ruling. For example, if my partner were to get in a motorcycle accident, I wouldn't have visitation rights; those are reserved for spouses and families.
You mean, like polygamy ? Or the right of a husband to kill his wife for no good reason ? Or buying a wife ? Those "traditions" involving marriage changed a lot in all those centuries. Claiming something is an "ancient tradition" to oppose change is a red herring.
So did interracial marriage half a century ago.
That door has always been open. This is why in all free countries of the world, constitutions can be changed when needed. This argument of slipery slope is a fallacy, pure and simple.
Marriage will be full of meaning for anyone partaking in it. Be it between a man and a woman, a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The meaning of marriage is given by the couple, not by others. If don't see meaning on a marriage between people of the same sex, rest assured that that do.